People won't know how to appreciate until they lose something that very meaningful in their life. Sometimes, waiting might hurts but its worth .
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
New World
Its been a long time since last update, maybe a year ago. Alhamdulillah still live in this world and 18 isnt a great number actually. It just an age where many new things to be learn and the real difficulty in life will be face. After 5 years of high school,university life is exactly not the same as high school life where more people you meet and more challenges coming ahead. Lots of intelligent brains around here. Need to prepare for everythig and still have trouble with the same subject since I was born . Its math.
7A 2B 1C , people said it was a great result for spm but for me, its not being ungrateful but you know you could get more if you work harder and yet , alhamdulillah im still grateful for the result. At least i made my parents smile and not cry , that's the real purpose of life. Never make them cry bcs of you . SBPI Gopeng, school with islamic background, where i never thought im going to be but i taught me lot of things and closer me to the Islam. And who know? Maybe Allah want to prevent me from bad things of the world and thats the reason why im here.
Now, im here , not in other country ,just Malaysia, a University in a city which not too far from UM ( University Malaya ) which is my dream place, but consider the ram of my brain not so high although the internal space is still not fullfil. Im here ,in International Islamic University Malaysia .
Is it UIA? Yes it is . im an UIA student and feel proud to be here although realised that this place also full of lies just like the world nowdays but im happy to be here . Foundation in Engineering and passed first sem with quite good pointer above 3.0 and now having short sem with 2 subjects and its boring as you have more time to sleep than class.
UIA is the very best place if you want a study without rush. What i mean here is, other university's foundation need you to complete your studies in a year for example. But in UIA, it all depends on your first examination before you start studies here. It called APT( ARABIC PLACEMENT TEST) AND EPT ( ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST) . it could be a year or maybe two year of foundation. I know you might think you gonna waste time of your life stuck at foundation studies while you friends taking degree but , its better than complete your foundation with a bad pointer . you can add your sem up to sem I guess . Its a place where you could score on your foundation well and book your place in the main campus for degree as the requirement quite tough where 3.5 is the limit of pointer if you want to be in Kulliyyah of Engineering later .
I think ive been talking too long and till we meet again . btw ive a new hobby, it called, collecting starbucks cup . Gonna make review of starbucks in next post . Wait for it .
Assalamualaikum .